
Monday, April 19, 2004

A Daily News Summary Covering
Sustainable and Clean Energy Issues and Technologies

========== TODAY'S HEADLINES =========

Legislative Report
NM Governor Urges Western States to Support Renewables

Industry Report
Hunt Aviation Tests Vertical-axis Wind Turbine
AEC to Acquire Majority Interest in Sterling Planet Subsidiary

International Report
Endesa to Invest 1.3 Billion Euros in Renewable Energy

Editorials, Reviews & Asides
Forum Attendees Discuss Green Power in Pacific Northwest

============ TODAY'S NEWS ==============


NM Governor Urges Western States to Support Renewables

The Associated Press (AP) recently reported that New Mexico governor
Bill Richardson urged Western U.S. state leaders during the Western
Governors' Association (WGA) North American Energy Summit held in
Albuquerque last week to band together in support of renewable

"The American West -- where the wind blows and the sun shines -- has
the potential to be a major part of our energy solution," said
Richardson. "We could become the nation's energy storehouse -- and
the economic impacts could be extraordinary."

Specifically, AP said Richardson called on Western states to
generate increased amounts of energy from such renewable sources as
wind, solar and biomass, while also considering the use of clean
coal technology.

Additionally, AP noted that Richardson urged Congressional passage
of an energy bill containing both a renewable energy tax credit and
a "mandatory reliability standard."

(AP: 4/15)

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Hunt Aviation Tests Vertical-axis Wind Turbine

Testing on Hunt Aviation Corporation's prototype vertical-axis wind
turbine is underway, with company officials hopeful that its design,
originally developed to harness power from the air for the
Gravityplane while gliding, will prove significantly more efficient
than conventional horizontal-axis turbine designs.

According to the company, potential applications for the new
technology include powering cell towers and water pumps, power barge
deployment and various rooftop installation.

"I realized that a wind turbine using drag would be more powerful
and then I designed it to have less overall drag than a conventional
rotor blade style wind turbine by mounting shutters onto a rotating
disk and having the shutters fold down into the disk as they move
into the wind," said Gravityplane inventor Robert Hunt. "Then the
shutters open to catch the wind on the opposite side of the wind
turbine and are pushed backward as they apply a force against the
disk. One of the many advantages of my wind turbine is that because
of the high degree of torque generated it can operate in very low
wind speeds."

Hunt Aviation noted that it is developing a program for
municipalities to mount the company's turbines on city water towers
to provide water service and to supply additional electrical power
that may be used by the cities for less than they currently pay for
pumping water.

Contact: Hunt Aviation, website

(EIN STAFF: 4/18)

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AEC to Acquire Majority Interest in Sterling Planet Subsidiary

Alternate Energy Corporation (AEC) recently announced it has signed
a letter of intent to acquire a majority interest in Sterling
Planet, Inc. subsidiary Sterling Technologies, Inc., which "deploys
distributed generation technologies, primarily solar systems,
through utilities and state-supported green energy programs."

"A large immediate market for AEC is the electric utility industry
and their customers who want to be generating a portion of their
power on-site using renewable energy," said AEC chairman Blaine
Froats. "This includes utilities that are looking to reduce the need
to finance expensive new power plants as well as supporting their
clients' onsite power requirements."

For its part, AEC said Sterling Planet expects the new relationship
to "help extend and broaden's national leadership
position in the rapidly developing market for cleaner electricity
from diverse, reliable, domestic renewable energy sources."

AEC noted that the transaction is scheduled to close on or before
May 12.

Contact: Suzanne Brydon, AEC, phone 519-620-2623.

(EIN STAFF: 4/15)

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Endesa to Invest 1.3 Billion Euros in Renewable Energy

Madrid, Spain-based private electrical group Endesa recently
announced plans to invest approximately 1.3 billion euros (about
$1.6 billion) from now until 2008 in renewable energy generation.

According to Endesa, the investment will involve the construction of
1,998 MW of renewable energy, of which 85 MW will be generated from
mini-hydro projects, with the remainder generated from wind farms.

Endesa said it expects renewable energy to represent 15 percent, or
3,400 MW, of the company's total installed capacity in 2008.

Contact: Endesa, website

(EIN STAFF: 3/31)

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Forum Attendees Discuss Green Power in Pacific Northwest

The Seattle Post-Intelligencer recently reported that attendees of
the New Apollo Energy Forum held last week in Seattle, WA discussed
the development of a 10-year, $300-billion program designed to
promote renewable energy and energy efficiency in the Pacific

According to the newspaper, program supporters said such an
initiative is expected to help renewable energy account for "15
percent of the nation's energy needs by 2015 and 20 percent by

"With our well-trained and highly talented workforce, intellectual
capital and entrepreneurial spirit, the Northwest is uniquely poised
to lead the country, and the world, in the development of these
clean energy technologies," said U.S. Representative Jay Inslee, who
organized the forum.

Also during the event, the newspaper noted that University of
California-Berkeley researcher Daniel Kammen introduced a new report
which indicates that investment in renewable energy could lead to
the creation of 188,000 to 240,000 jobs, while former Washington
congressman Sid Morrison discussed efforts in East Washington to
produce methane-generated electricity from cow manure.

Contact: Office of Representative Inslee, website